Recruitment Fraud

Recruitment Fraud

Recruitment Fraud

Recruitment fraud is a sophisticated fraud involving the offer of fictitious job opportunities. This kind of fraud is normally done through unsolicited emails, online recruitment services (sometimes even legitimate platforms such as LinkedIn), bogus websites and even text messages claiming to be from YMCA or YMCA of the USA. The aim of the fraud is typically to obtain personal information or money. Recruitment scams may involve offering fictitious job opportunities and requesting personal information and payments to process false applications.

Incidents have occurred involving both individuals and organizations falsely claiming to recruit on behalf of the Y, YMCA or YMCA of the USA. 

We recommend that you do not respond to unsolicited offers of employment from people claiming to work for, or be affiliated with, a YMCA or YMCA of the USA. If you believe you have received a fraudulent communication, please let us know and you may consider contacting your local police.

Identifying Recruitment Fraud

Perpetrators often ask recipients to complete fake recruitment documents, such as job applications, bank statements and/or visa/work permit forms. It is important to look for these key warning signs:

  • Requests for personal information, such as passport details and banking information.
  • Requests to contact other companies/individuals that you’re connected to (e.g., lawyers, bank officials, travel agencies, courier companies, visa/immigration processing agencies).
  • Requests for payment of a fee to process or assist with a job application.
  • An offer to pay a percentage of a fee requested if the candidate pays the remaining amount.
  • An urgent request for the applicant to take action on the correspondence or offer.

What should I do?

  • Save messages from the perpetrator for further investigation if necessary. Save the original subject line, complete headers and complete message content.
  • Send an email to [email protected] and include all relevant evidence, including job posting information and email communications.
  • Consider contacting your local police or legal authority and provide them with all information you may have from the senders.


  • Respond to unsolicited business propositions and/or offers of employment from people with whom you are unfamiliar.
  • Disclose your personal or financial details to anyone you do not know.
  • Send any money. YMCAs and YMCA of the USA does not ask for money transfers or payments from applicants to secure an application, interview or a job, either as an employee or as a contractor.
  • Engage in further communication if you believe the communications may be fraudulent.