Outdoor Gear & Food Coordinator

Join us as Outdoor Gear & Food Coordinator in the Rocky Mountains, coordinating trips and staff for teen wilderness programs!
Camp Description

Camp Chief Ouray is the residential camp for kids at YMCA of the Rockies. Making a difference in the life of a young person, learning skills that will help you throughout future jobs, and gaining lifelong friends in the process is a wonderful way to spend your summer. Join us! All positions listed on our website under About > Work at CCO.

Only 20 minutes to Rocky Mountain National Park, Camp Chief Ouray offers scenic views in every direction. The camp is located on the property of Snow Mountain Ranch in Granby, Colorado.

Job Description

The Outdoor Gear and Food Coordinator is responsible for upkeep and maintenance of gear used in teen programs traveling off property and packing all meals for these groups. This position plays a crucial role in gear distribution and inventory of food for smooth program operations. The Outdoor Gear and Food Coordinator should possess effective communication, planning, logistics and organizational skills. A willingness to comply with YMCA driving rules to be approved to operate YMCA vehicles is required.


Minimum of 19 years of age

Experience working with youth in a summer camp setting is encouraged but not required

Relevant combination of education, training, and/or experience related to wilderness camping, backcountry travel and living

Comfortable with and/or willingness to learn Google Docs and spreadsheets

Ability to work independently, prioritize tasks and efficiently manage time

Must have current certification in CPR/First Aid or be willing to obtain certification

All other duties as assigned

Willingness to comply with YMCA and Colorado Department of Transportation rules to be approved to operate YMCA vehicles

Must have a valid US Driver's license or, if required, a Commercial Driver's License.

Must have a satisfactory driving safety record (Verified by MVR Review)

Drivers must complete a YMCA driver training program.

Essential Functions


Create a safe space for all campers, families, and staff. Promote safe work practices to allow for development and growth for all.

Possess the social and emotional skills necessary to build rapport and positive relationships, putting camper needs first

Respond to camper and customer requests for service, troubleshoot problems and develop solutions in a patient and respectful manner.

Contribute to a cooperative and positive camp community, be a team player

Be responsible for the upkeep of the camp facility and cleanliness of camp. Report any repairs in a timely manner.

Assist other departments as needed



Participate in staff training prior to the start of summer camp

Train seasonal staff on the typical upkeep of outdoor gear, how to return used gear and record damage

Train trip staff on use of inventory app for tracking gear use and condition

Learn operations of kitchen, dry storage area, and trips food packing room


Become familiar with the total camp program

Ensure all outdoor gear is clean and in good working order

Maintain detailed inventory and support restock of gear as necessary with Leadership and Trips Director

Distribute gear to/from staff weekly throughout summer when needed

Make repairs within your skillset and support gear repairs through external vendors (e.g. coordinate bike drop off at a local shop)

Serve as point of contact for staff related to gear maintenance, questions, and concerns within your skillset

Pack food for all teen programs leaving property and the weekly Challenger Night meal

Maintain detailed inventory and support restock of food for teen programs throughout summer

Assist with packing up gear at the end of the summer


The Y: We’re for youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility.

Meet weekly with Assistant Leadership and Trips Director or Leadership and Trips Director to evaluate program activities and staff

Meet with Leadership and Trips Director for your pre-season goals, mid-season and end of season feedback


Maintain detailed inventory of equipment including current condition

Maintain detailed inventory of food for teen programs and coordinate with kitchen for ordering

Report any equipment maintenance needs to the Leadership and Trips Director as soon as possible

Write an end of season report and evaluation including recommendations for the future

Cause-Driven Leadership Competencies

Uphold and reflect the YMCA core values of Caring, Honesty, Respect, Responsibility and Faith in all functions

Uphold the YMCA of the Rockies Mission, policies, and programs

Commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism is required

Possess excellent customer service skills; for example, friendly, personable, helpful, patient, and professional

Support the Association safety program. Promote safe work practices and a safe environment for guests, members, and staff

Promote a cooperative, positive, and flexible atmosphere while working with others in a diverse environment

Must meet acceptable criminal background check standards

Bilingual English/Spanish is a plus

All other duties as assigned