Description: Someone who leads multiple teams, manages complex projects, or provides tactical leadership to operations.
Disciplines:a broad grouping of competencies focused on a critical area that defines a cause-driven leader’s ability to advance the work of the Y.
Competency: Clusters of observable skills and behaviors needed to be successful within an organization or role.
Key Leadership competencies for this position:
· Engaging Community
· Program/Project Management
· Fiscal Management
Multi-Team Leader Discipline, Competencies and Behavioral Indicators
Advancing Our Mission & Cause: Provide visionary leadership to the organization and to ensure that all resources are mobilized to adapt to new challenges and needs in the community.
Change Leadership: Facilitates, co-creates, and implements equitable change for the good of the organization and/or community.
Engaging Community: Builds bridges with others in the community to ensure the Y’s work is community-focused and welcoming of all, providing community benefit.
Philanthropy: Secures resources and support to advance the Y’s work.
Volunteerism: Engages volunteers and promotes social responsibility at all levels of the organization.
Building Relationships: Connect people to the Y’s cause by developing inclusive relationships, partnerships, and collaborations so that Ys can co-create solutions to pressing social needs.
Collaboration: Creates sustainable relationships within the Y and with other organizations in service to the community.
Communication & Influence Listens and expresses self effectively and, in a way, that engages, inspires, and builds commitment to the Y’s cause.
Leading Operations: Ensure relevance, effectiveness, and sustainability of the organization so that we can continue to fulfill our promise to the community.
Critical Thinking & Decision Making: Makes informed decisions based on logic, data, and sound judgment.
Fiscal Management: Manages the Y’s resources responsibly and sustains the Y’s nonprofit business model.
Functional Expertise: Executes superior technical skills for the role.
Innovation: Creates and implements new and relevant approaches and activities that improve and expand the Y’s work and impact in the community.
Program/Project Management: Ensures program or project goals are met and intended impact occurs.
Developing & Inspiring People: Support the holistic development of self and others so that everyone can embrace the Y’s cause, sustain the Y’s culture, and inspire others to take individual and collective action to further our impact.
Developing Self & Others: Develops self and supports others (e.g., staff, volunteers, members, program participants), both formally and informally, to achieve their highest potential.
Emotional Maturity: Demonstrates ability to understand and manage emotions effectively in all situations.